Friday, November 25, 2011

How to even out the White Nail Polish when painting a white tip?

Well if you don't want to go to a beauty salon, then you can get a Q-tip and dip it in nail polish remover and make the white tip as thick or thin as you want. You can also use tape (but its messy and complicated.)

Best advice: get the tape things for french manicures they sell them @ Sally's Beauty SupplyHow to even out the White Nail Polish when painting a white tip?
the little sticker thing are the best, and they come in different arches sometimes,my friend use the draw a line on her finger nail with a pencil , where she wanted the tip to be and tried vry hard not to go over the line, then if she did she took a q-tip or a really thin paintbrush and cleaned it upHow to even out the White Nail Polish when painting a white tip?
Have it done professionally.
I paint it on at an angle starting on the right to the middle, then I do the same on the left side until each side meets
they sell manicure kits in the drug stores. takes practice though.
I paint the white on as evenly as possible, and then I go back with either a q-tip or an eye make-up brush dipped in a little nail polish remover and even it out. It comes out really nice! Good Luck!
french manucure and you'll need some one to help you with that just don't move you hand or shake it so it doesn't come out bumpy.
Certain places carry these great little sticker type things to help you with a french manicure. I think most drugstores carry them next to the nail polish.

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